Talking Marketing and Learning with TLDChat

I was recently invited to be a guest on the awesome TLDChat, a daily webinar about learning, training and development to provide some insights into how to improve businesses, directly from the people implementing the programs. Given my background, Brent and Luis had asked me to come on the program to talk about the correlation between marketing and learning, and why L&D managers with the basic marketing tools will have greater success that those who don't.

Throughout the course of the webinar we discussed networking (how I ended up  covering the NBA), curating content for my weekly newsletter (, creating content (giving back- low cost but high quality ways to improve practice), and the need, or lack of need, for certificates in learning  (compliance, credibility, social learning?!), as well as sharing some insights from a marketing perspective that all learning and development managers can start applying today.

You can now watch the full video below.

Some key points to come out of the discussion were: 

There is no one solution to support all learners.All content is learning content.You don’t get a certificate at the end of social learning.  If you read a book, do you get a certificate?  Why do we have the association you need a certificate or you don’t know what you are doing?

Some people are stuck in their system.  They don’t know there is another way for learning.

You shouldn’t have to learn how to learn!

It’s not about just the objectives, it’s about being clear and giving something for the learner to do. Actionable content, not just consuming!

Ok…semantics. But I can say that reality in my experience, there are people who will grasp, follow and engage if start with big picture then the details versus slow build from details to the big picture “why/impact,” and those who need to see something demoed vs do it themselves. “preference”, “Style” or whatever…this is more, I would suggest, than just a personal “like,” rather, decreasing the time to competency.

Because everyone can, everyone does.  The training department used to be the gatekeepers of content.  Nothing got created without us being a part of that process.

Ownership is a HUGE issue and major weak point in every project I’ve ever been a part of. Someone needs to be tasked with knowing what’s in the training and when it needs to change and make the call on when it changes.

Basic marketing skills have always been an essential skill for training, they just don’t know it.

The more effective professionals know something about how to motivate people to change behavior to support a common goal.

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